I will make a prognosis for the United States. Considering the deep internal divisions in the nation, which are only growing deeper and more inflamed by the day, I see only two alternatives for America, and they are: Bernie Sanders, or civil war.
Neither Bernie Sanders nor his supporters are going to launch a civil war of course, but the divisions within this society are so stark and so extreme, and so increasingly volatile, that if a moderate progressive such as Sanders cannot unite the country and begin to heal its wounds, then, as the CIA has also predicted, civil war is not only a possibility, but an increasing probability.
Let us hope the former option, the Bernie option, the more sensible option, is the one chosen. Pray it is so.
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible,
will make violent revolution inevitable.”
– John F. Kennedy
I have written elsewhere extensively on the state of the United States, so I will leave this thought as it is – concise, and hopefully, thought-provoking. I sincerely hope that it is contemplated and considered very, very thoughtfully, and with great care. In either case, the implications are likely to be profound.
J. Todd Ring, January 26, 2016
For further reading see my recent book, Enlightened Democracy: Visions For A New Millennium, on Amazon now.