Welcome to the third and final installment in my series on the ongoing American Civil/Social Justice War between corporate/white power and freedom, fairness, and justice for all persons within America which originally began over 100 years before the Declaration of Independence. It has continued through the first Civil War, the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments which weren’t fully implemented until the second Civil Rights War, and even on to the modern day.
Today the most deeply entrenched battleground is the fight over whether there even is a fight going on at all. On one side you have those who argue that Social Justice for all America’s people—minorities, women, LGBTQ, workers and consumers—remains a distant achievement. You have NY Governor Mario Andrew Cuomo who recently shocked many by saying “America has never been that great” because it has failed to admit and correct gender equality. Largely in solidarity with Cuomo you have the #MeToo movement, the Black Lives Matter movement, #MarchForOurLives and the Sandy Hook parents. The Sandy Hook parents, of course, are pitched against Alex Jones and his 2 million subscribers who would call them all “Social Justice Warriors” in an effort to demean and minimize the legitimacy of their efforts. They fight against the alt-right, neo-Nazis, and white supremacists. But these are not the worst of the opposition.
The worst are the deniers who provide aid, comfort, and cover for bigots and predators.
Those who could look at the ridiculous decades-long litany of bigoted statements and actions, multiple lawsuits for racial discrimination in the ‘70sand in the ‘90s which he lost, his crazed Jihad against the wrongly convicted Central Park Five, the nearly two dozen allegations of sexual assault including his “impromptu inspections” of semi-dressed teenagers competing in his beauty pageant, his history of racially biasing the results of those contests and still say they don’t believe that Donald John Trump is a bigoted sexist asshole because they simply haven’t yet heard him utter the N-word on tape, even though they have seen his Twitter feed. On the other side are people like Tucker Carlson who says that white supremacy is nothing more than a "liberal delusion.”